Technical Translation Services

Technical content demands careful attention and specialized knowledge. Discover how Translation Agency of Canada, a technical translation agency, can assist you by localizing all your technical documents.

What is technical translation, and why does it require attention to detail?

Technical translation encompasses a broad range of industries beyond just the technology sector. In fact, any industry that uses specialized terminology requires technical translation. According to the French translators' association, Société Française des Traducteurs, there are at least 25 such industries. Among the most notable are:

  • The legal industry
  • The medical industry
  • The financial industry
  • The IT industry
  • The scientific industry

However, these aren't the only sectors. Technical translation also extends to fields such as engineering, food and agriculture, construction, and marketing.

The challenges of technical translation are immense. Even translations intended for the general public demand meticulous attention to detail. But when the content involves areas like law, science, or medicine, the stakes are even higher, leaving no room for error.

Technical translation is also a crucial driver for business growth. In today’s global market, companies aiming to expand internationally must translate their content into multiple languages, even when their documents are highly specialized and technical.

By partnering with a technical translation agency, you can be confident that your content will be translated by experts chosen for their skills and experience in your specific industry.

Our cases in the technical industry

Technical manual for an attraction
7 642
English and French → Korean.

Project. Trio-Tech develops and manufactures attractions.
We translated a manual for the manufacturing, assembly, and maintenance of a "Laser Gun" attraction from English and French to Korean

Timeline. 2 days
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